News — painting
Your Very Own Travel ‘Product Line’
Diary Hiking Journal journaling life journal Memoir memories Paddling painting Personal History story Travel Art Travel Diary Travel Journal

Your Very Own Travel ‘Product Line’ In this case, I used a small watercolour sketch I did on a paddle trip along stretches of the North Saskatchewan River - and I used that piece as the backdrop for my postcard-sized ‘Business Card’. Over the next few paragraphs, I’m going to convince you that you can have a ‘Product Line’ that reflects so much about who you are when you travel…and it’s a lot of fun too. Think about it. When you’re on the road for a winter vacation or a hiking trip, cycling tour, cruise etc.,...
Landscape, Soundscape, Smellscape - Your Travel Journal Entries
archives blog Diary Hiking history Journal Landscape memories Paddling painting Personal History Sense of Smell Smell Smellscape Soundscape story Travel Art Travel Diary Travel Journal Vacation watercolour wildflowers

Breathtaking landscapes of the Missouri River in Montana on a 2 week canoe trip. Landscape, Soundscape, Smellscape - Your Travel Journal Entries Compelling Travel Journal entries come from all sorts of different perspectives. They come from different times of the day, different settings, different people and so many other sources. One of the simplest ways to record rich memories is to think about the landscapes you’re visiting, and give yourself a moment to reflect on that ‘sense of place’. Perhaps start using point-form and record simply what the place looks like. The ‘lay of the land’...
Nautical Ephemera
archives Diary ephemera history memories navy new art painting story Travel Art Travel Diary Travel Journal watercolour

Painting on old paper, on ‘ephemera’, is something I’ve been doing for a few years now. From envelopes and old cheques to yellowed old letterhead, postcards, and’s all fodder for my watercolour brushes. This new series grew out of this long standing interest in old paper and the fact a friend was tossing some old navigation charts that were out of date. He knew I painted on ephemera and asked if I’d like to have them....I said ‘yes’. And the rest is history. The series here follows my penchant for all things ephemera - and it takes...
Painting Stories
Diary painting story watercolour

Painting Stories For some time now, I’ve been intrigued by combining the written word and some of the watercolour artwork I’ve been doing. I’ve thought of the personal side of this, but also writing something that might be more widely subscribed, so to speak. I’m guessing, actually, that some of the grounding in this approach has grown out of my longer standing interest in painting on ‘ephemera’ - vintage paper that includes everything from letterhead and envelopes to maps, ticket stubs, and cheques. At a much more abstract level, it’s not lost on me that all artwork is...
Vintage Fishing Bobbers - an artistic obsession!
blog fishing history memories new art painting Personal History Vacation watercolour

The truth is, I’m not sure where this latest fishing bobber art obsession has come from. True, they’ve been part of my life since I was a kid. I remember tagging along with my Dad and some of his friends and our neighbours when they headed out to the Lakelse, Kitsumkalum, Skeena, or Copper Rivers in Northern British Columbia to fish for whatever salmon was on the run. Dad’s tackle box had some of those bobbers and, even today, I can remember being drawn to how bright and colourful they were. I especially remember thinking that they had to...